Coaching for Creatives

“The only unique contribution that we will ever make in this world will be born of creativity”
— Brene Brown

This offering is about helping clients to access their brave hearts - plumbing the depths, developing voice and finding confidence in self expression.

Your desire to explore creativity may begin in different ways - you may have a specific creative project you are working on or thinking about, an experience you want to alchemise through creativity, or simply be curious to explore the possibilities of creativity in your life.

I work with clients to enhance their creativity and achieve their creative goals through:

  • building confidence and courage in self expression

  • cultivating a state of inspiration

  • expanding their capacity for vulnerability and risk taking

  • deepening the connection of voice to heart

  • liberating creative potential and imagination

I am not focused on the specific output of a client’s creativity (this remains entirely their own), but on the process of deepening their access to and capacity for their own creativity.

Here are some ways in which your creativity matters and can be an important tool in your life:

  • Creativity is the birth of something new, it is a powerful act of making new meaning

  • Creativity is change, it can liberate us from the world that “was” into a newly transformed world, it changes our relationship to ourselves and to others

  • Creativity is medicine, through it we metabolise, process and heal experience

  • Creativity connects us, it is how we articulate and share our stories

  • Creativity is liberating, creativity can set you free beyond your current understandings of your self and your experience

  • Creativity is expansive, there is always an element of the unknown, the beyond-self which participates in creativity, this opens up new spaces and horizons both within us and outside of us

Let’s Work Together